In this episode of SOB TV, John "Shrek" McPhee breaks down the essential steps to properly size your rifle to your body. From adjusting the stock to ensuring a comfortable and effective fit, Shrek shares his expert tips to help you optimize your shooting performance. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, this video will give you the knowledge you need to achieve that perfect rifle fit. Tune in and make sure your rifle works for you, not the other way around.
LONG RANGE: Mastering Historical Zero...
In this episode, John dives into the art of long-range shooting with a focus on Historical Zero. Learn the importance of understanding and utilizing historical zero in your shooting practice for increased accuracy and consistency.
LONG RANGE: Calibers, Scopes & Magnif...
Basics of long range with scopes and magnification. Barrel size and effectiveness.
LONG RANGE: 300 blackout vs 7.62 Cali...
What is the difference and what is the hype all about?