The Final Countdown: 6 Days Before Competition...
In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee shares how he has been preparing his body and mind over the last 16 weeks to re-enter the world of Jiu-Jitsu competition after 19 years. Yes, 19 YEARS! The last time Shrek competed, he won a championship. This time around, it's been more about the journey and the people he's inspired. After watching the video, he hopes you become inspired, too. It's never too late to begin your own journey.
Shrek's Pie Chart History - An Epic Q...
1996: The Year Shrek Discovered the Pie Chart for Lefties
Once upon a time, long long ago in the year 1996, John "Shrek" McPhee embarked on an epic quest to find the elusive Pie Chart for Lefties-the pie chart often spoken about but rarely seen. In this video, Shrek recalls the trials and tribu...
Resilience | noun
1. the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
2. John "Shrek" McPhee (aka The Sheriff of Baghdad)
Okay, number 2 isn't actually included under the Oxford Dictionary of English's definition of 'resilience,' but it should be. Why? Because one does... -
John "Shrek" McPhee's Coaching Philos...
Want to hit 10 out of 10 at the range? Add a little neuroscience knowledge to your training. Yep, neuroscience. In this video, John “Shrek” McPhee shares his coaching philosophy and how neuroscience (think habits) plays a key role. Don’t worry; this isn’t a complex training video. No need for pen...