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  • Transitions - Rifle/Pistol

    Imagine this scenario: You are in a life or death shoot-out where seconds not only matter but can mean the difference between whether you live or die - then your rifle jams. What do you do? In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee, the best of the best, will teach you how to efficiently transition from...

  • Moving and Shooting

    In this video, follow along with John "Shrek" McPhee as he shares his unique tips on how to achieve better results while moving and shooting. Tips guaranteed you won't find anywhere else, such as The Movement Chart™ - Shrek's atomic pie chart for moving and shooting. Throughout the video, you wil...

  • Hardest Army School

    What is the hardest Army school John "Shrek" McPhee has ever attended? In this video, Shrek answers that question with details few get the opportunity to provide...details such as what it's like to make nano second decisions while falling to your death. Being the masterful storyteller that he is,...