The newest and most current noteworthy videos.

  • Lefty Reloads...Surviving the Right Handed World


    Living and surviving in a "right handed" world can be difficult for those who are left handed. That difficulty is especially the case when it comes to reloading guns. Never fear though; just like always, John "Shrek" McPhee comes to the rescue. In this w...

  • Range Rules

    FREE safety pro tips from the pro of all pros: John ‘Shrek” McPhee

    In today’s video, you will learn what’s often left out of standard range rules but are vital to your safety and those around you. John deep dives into things like how to safely load, clear, and unload your firearm; how to safely ...

  • Zeroing - Made Easy Part 2

    Today's video is part 2 of "Zeroing - Made Easy." If you haven't watched part 1, released July 1, be sure to check it out because it lays the foundation of John "Shrek" McPhee's simple method of zeroing. In part 2, John explains and demonstrates in more detail how to easily ensure your aim and ...

  • Zeroing - Made Easy

    Today, we’re talking about zeroing, which ensures the point of aim and the point of impact are the same for a particular range of distance. Sounds simple, right? But if you do an internet search on "zeroing," most of the results involve using so many complex calculations and drawings you might th...

  • Resilience

    Resilience | noun
    1. the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
    2. John "Shrek" McPhee (aka The Sheriff of Baghdad)
    Okay, number 2 isn't actually included under the Oxford Dictionary of English's definition of 'resilience,' but it should be. Why? Because one does...

  • John "Shrek" McPhee's Coaching Philosophy

    Want to hit 10 out of 10 at the range? Add a little neuroscience knowledge to your training. Yep, neuroscience. In this video, John “Shrek” McPhee shares his coaching philosophy and how neuroscience (think habits) plays a key role. Don’t worry; this isn’t a complex training video. No need for pen...

  • Red Dot Sights: Buy or Skip?

    Are red dot sights worth the splurge and the way of the future or just a passing fad? Do they really help you achieve better results or is that just marketing fluff? In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee answers those questions and more, so you can confidently make an informed decision on whether to...

  • Safety Pro Tip

    "Be safe at the range." "Hold your gun in a safe position." We hear and see these words all of the time, but what do they really mean? In today's video, John "Shrek" McPhee talks safety. He does a deep dive and demonstrates proper gun safety techniques while at the range. Whether you are alone or...

  • Better Habits = Better Shooting

    When we step up to the line to shoot, why do we automatically do the same things every single time? Muscle memory? Not exactly. From the way you stand to how you aim, there is a habit for everything the brain has to do to replicate even one shot. In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee will explain wh...

  • Pie Chart Garbage

    Why is the pie chart garbage? Why did John "Shrek" McPhee create his own? Learn the answer to those questions and more in this week's video.

  • Don't Quit

    Struggling to keep your New Year's Resolution, achieve goals, or simply get out of bed each day? In this motivational video, John "Shrek" McPhee answers the "How do I ..." question he often gets and offers his thoughts on what it takes to accomplish anything you set out to do in life. This is the...

  • Target Modification

    How do you improve an already great product used for target practice? Cut it in half! That's right. In today's video, John "Shrek" McPhee will show you how he created the new & improved 'half' plastic target so you can do the same at home. It's lightweight and takes up less space. By the end of t...

  • Sticker Stories

    What do the SOB Tactical stickers mean? There is a meaning and a reason behind each of them. Although they are funny, they are very useful and compliment shooting habits found in every class.

  • Aim Small, Miss Small: John Talks Targets & Cardboard

    Hey, Members! What does cardboard have to do with it? Turns out, everything! In this video, you will see how a funny mistake involving cardboard turned into a huge revelation for John "Shrek" McPhee. No, we're not talking about recycling...we're talking about targets and not missing. John explain...

  • SOB Rifle B-Sling

    When time is not on your side, make sure the SOB Tactical B-Sling with "Quick to Shoot" (Q2S™) technology is. In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee will give you the inside scoop on why he created the B-Sling rifle accessory and the inspiration behind the Q2S™ technology. He will also teach you, ste...

  • SOB Condom Holster Fitting

    Does your GLOCK® fit into its condom holster too loose, too tight, or just right? In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee will show you how to safely determine the answer plus give you detailed tips on how to achieve the perfect fit so your GLOCK® is ready when you are. The SOB Condom Holster...making...

  • SOB Condom Holster

    Check it out members...This is the only holster you need and the only one I use. Lets talk through it. Then I'll show you how to fit it properly. By the end of the video, you will see why the SOB Condom Holster is making tight great again.

  • Hot or Not

    Want to play a game? How about HOT or NOT? I mean, how do you carry? The debate is, do you carry one in the chamber or not?

  • Maintain Situational Awareness

    It's a crazy world out there. Be sure you remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings. I just had an experience of my own while on the road.