In order to motivate each other, I suggested a little friendly competition...a monthly drill. It's informal, no prizes, and based on Shrek's videos. Just video yourself doing it dry or live and submit it on the FB page (or here if you're able).
How about to kick things off, we do a placement (live), or do the draw (to include trigger pull) dry?
For the rest of October, the drill is a placement test (live) or the draw (to include trigger press) dry. Anyone can make a suggestion for the month's drill and post it. For November, I'm thinking malfunctions.
If you've already done it this month, no issues. If you haven't, you've got a week and a half....a video or pic of the results is fine. Remember, the goal is to put in some work to make yourself better. While I enjoy some good shit talking, let's be supportive.