Looking for a holster for a light battle belt (think something quick to put on, with attached IFAK, TQ, light holder, spare mag holder, and pistol holster) for Glock 19. Suggestions??
Holster for Glock 19 for a light battle belt
· 5 replies
I like Gunfighter Inc. and Blackpoint tactical holsters. They are pricey, but so far they have been well worth the money.
For a battle belt, I'd get something with active retention like a Safariland ALS holster.
I like the HSGI belt with Cobra buckle in the 1.75 width and their minimalist pad. Alternately, their slim battle belt is a good choice if you need MOLLE attachment.
I am happy with the We the People Holsters product for my G19 w/PL2 Mini OLIGHT. Great fit and adjustable in multiple dimensions. Got mine in grey and did a rattle-can camo that turned-out decently.