The Final Countdown: 6 Days Before Competition...
In this video, John "Shrek" McPhee shares how he has been preparing his body and mind over the last 16 weeks to re-enter the world of Jiu-Jitsu competition after 19 years. Yes, 19 YEARS! The last time Shrek competed, he won a championship. This time around, it's been more about the journey and the people he's inspired. After watching the video, he hopes you become inspired, too. It's never too late to begin your own journey.
Short Lesson on Aiming
Do you struggle with hitting targets? Is your aim continuously off no matter how often you practice, and do you think the fix must involve a complicated method or special device? Leave it to John "Shrek" McPhee to, once again, make the seemingly complicated simple. In this video, he gives a short...
Shrek's Pie Chart History - An Epic Q...
1996: The Year Shrek Discovered the Pie Chart for Lefties
Once upon a time, long long ago in the year 1996, John "Shrek" McPhee embarked on an epic quest to find the elusive Pie Chart for Lefties-the pie chart often spoken about but rarely seen. In this video, Shrek recalls the trials and tribu...
Short on Red Dots
THE QUESTION: Does having a red dot change anything with your eyes?
THE ANSWER: Yes, especially for those with vision issues. BUT proper training is key because they can be problematic. In this short but informative video, John "Shrek" McPhee gives the "real talk" on red dots and is a must wat...