1996: The Year Shrek Discovered the Pie Chart for Lefties
Once upon a time, long long ago in the year 1996, John "Shrek" McPhee embarked on an epic quest to find the elusive Pie Chart for Lefties-the pie chart often spoken about but rarely seen. In this video, Shrek recalls the trials and tribulations of this adventure to the unknown. Was his quest a success or failure? You'll have to watch the video to find out.
Short on Red Dots
THE QUESTION: Does having a red dot change anything with your eyes?
THE ANSWER: Yes, especially for those with vision issues. BUT proper training is key because they can be problematic. In this short but informative video, John "Shrek" McPhee gives the "real talk" on red dots and is a must wat...
Eargasm® Earplugs
Can you hear me now?!? If you don't take care of your hearing while shooting, that's what people might be shouting at you in the future.
The Sheriff of Baghdad always safeguards his hearing. Even under the sweltering North Carolina heat, he never fires a shot without wearing his large, hot, and ...
Lefty Reloads...Surviving the Right H...
Living and surviving in a "right handed" world can be difficult for those who are left handed. That difficulty is especially the case when it comes to reloading guns. Never fear though; just like always, John "Shrek" McPhee comes to the rescue. In this w...
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