On this installment of "American Gunfights," John "Shrek" McPhee explains the actions of a police stop that is contended by armed criminals. Based on his vast experience and knowledge, which includes teaching marksmanship classes in the Middle East, John gives a detailed analysis of the officers' behavior. Throughout, he tells the viewer what actions he agrees with, those he would do differently, and most importantly, the reasons behind his opinion. You will also learn why things we often think don't matter-like foot placement-can actually change the outcome of a situation. Hopefully, you will never be in the position of these officers, but knowing what to do is valuable knowledge to have just in case.
Ending Situations Fast: Lessons from ...
In this installment of American Gunfights, John “Shrek” McPhee dives deep into the critical importance of ending situations quickly in high-pressure scenarios. Drawing on his real-world experience, Shrek walks you through the mindset and tactics necessary to decisively handle life-threatening enc...
Rolling In Hot
Another installment of "American Gunfights." This round, Shrek breaks down driving and shooting.